Conservation and restoration of contemporary and modern art

In order to optimally protect a contemporary work of art from the various influences of the ageing process, it is first important to familiarise oneself with the artistic production process as well as the materials used.

But what is meant by the ageing process in an art object?

Chemical ageing is a change in the physical and chemical properties of a material after prolonged storage or use. One of the best-known signs of ageing in works of art is, for example: The yellowing of the varnish coating on a painting.

Many ageing processes are accelerated by external factors. Among the most frequent and important factors influencing a work of art are the climate (temperature and humidity), the effect of light with a high proportion of UV radiation, as well as atmospheric oxygen and ozone gases from the atmosphere. Depending on the composition of the materials used, a work of art reacts differently to the above-mentioned external influences. With knowledge of the artistic techniques and materials used, optimal, specific recommendations regarding storage and exhibition can be worked out for your art object, thus considerably slowing down the ageing process. Another important aspect of preventive conservation is artwork handling. Incorrect handling and transport can lead to mechanical damage to the artwork, which can easily be avoided.

Suitable packaging and transport boxes are essential for the safety of a work of art.

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84175 Lichtenhaag

